Image of two ladies at last years LWYL awards 2023.

Making a Positive Difference

Year after year, we receive hundreds of fantastic nominations showcasing the wonderful work people are doing in their communities and rewarding them for their kindness and generosity. Over £25,000 of prize money has been awarded to almost 100 community heroes since 2011 when the awards began. We welcome nominations for tenants, residents and community groups from across the Wakefield district.

Whether you’d like to nominate yourself, a friend, neighbour, or group below are the awards up for grabs:

  •  Best Garden (individual)
  • Young Achiever (individual)
  • Arts and Culture (individual or group of at least three people)
  • Working with Young People (individual or group)
  • Community Group (Group of at least three people)
  • Community Champion of the Year (individual)
  • Digital in the Community (individual or group of at least three people)
  • Working with Older People (individual or group of at least three people)

The Love Where You Live Awards is sponsored by our grounds maintenance provider, Tivoli who donate the prize money for third, second and first place. 

In 2023, we received more than 200 nominations, which were whittled down to 29 finalists who were invited to celebrate at the awards ceremony where the winners, decided by the public, were announced.

Image of Young Achiever Billy Hall collecting his award at last years LWYL awards 2023.

Thank you to everyone who voted for me, I feel very proud of myself. I love volunteering at St George's and have learnt lots of new skills and made many new friends. Well done to everybody who was nominated for these awards. We are all winners.

- Billy Hall - Winner of Young Achiever Award

A great deal of hard work goes on across the district to make our communities better places to live and local people are at the heart of this.  Nominations for the 2024 awards are now open until midnight on 31 July, 2024.

Click below to make a nomination. For more information, please contact the Communications Team by email or phone OneCALL on 0345 8 507 507.

Nominations for our 2024 Love Where You Live Awards are open!

Nominate a community hero